Judy Kay-Wolff


It was exhilarating to see WBF President Jose Damiani’s picture on the front page of the Houston NABC Daily Bulletin today along side of Lou Ann O’Rourke — accompanied by a statement, “The O’Rourkes … have pledged $50,000 to the United States Bridge Federation to help make the tournament on American soil possible.”  It is very encouraging to see a sponsor so generously step up to the plate with the sincere intent and determination to dedicate her efforts (and perhaps inspiring others) to  see a world bridge championship return to the U. S. borders, possibly in 2010.   The last one held here was in Albuquerque in 1994.  What makes it even more appropriate, since sponsorship has evolved in such gigantic proportions, is borne out by the dozens and dozens of foreign top professional experts who earn a rather lucrative livelihood by competing actively in our U. S. events.

What could be more fitting than for the United States to play host to our foreign visitors (many of whom who have seen fit to take up residence here) as well as our own devoted home bred players.

A giant step forward toward the United States resuming its major role in world bridge!


LindaMarch 21st, 2009 at 3:39 am

I think it would be wonderful to have a world championships in the US.

Robb GordonMarch 23rd, 2009 at 5:12 pm

What happened to the St. Petersburg championships scheduled for 2010?