Judy Kay-Wolff

You coulda fooled me!


Last evening I received an email from a former Philadelphia buddy, who (like moi) migrated to Texas (and is still there).  His exact words that accompanied the caricature (if you recognized him) were:

We stumbled upon this portrait of great American while at American Art Museum in DC.  They think he’s playing poker (according to caption).  We think that’s amusing.  You could post this to blog and credit the museum.

In lieu of his suggested kudos to the Museum, I am posting it and crediting Mark Lombard for passing on the image of one of bridge’s most celebrated and generous bridge allies .. Warren Buffett.

1 Comment

Mark lombardAugust 28th, 2010 at 3:39 pm

Judy, you flatter, you! As you may recall, Big Warren was one of the featured contributors to our Wall of Fame project (which you fearlessy promoted) a decade ago. I cannot remember his words exactly, but it was something like this: Nothing prepares you for the world of high finance than Bridge, with it’s development of strategic thinking, strong partnership, and good sportsmanship.

That was a great project, with over 80 contributors (we were shooting for 52!), including BOTH of your husbands (Norman and Bobby), Al Roth, Bill Root, Alfie Sheinwold, George Burns, and many of the day’s most accomplished players.

I wonder how many other bridge projects you helped mother?

With love and gratitude,
