WHY PEOPLE GIVE UP BRIDGE (ala ad nauseam)
by Judy Kay-Wolff on
January 29th, 2011
Wanted to share a a rather funny (but revolting) duplicate club happening. (When I used to give Norman these hands, his automatic reply [which I should have taped, as it was so predictable] was “THIS IS NOT BRIDGE!”)
The bidding proceeds: P P 1D P. The diamond opener’s partner’s responds 1NT and East having passed originally, bids 2H, holding KX K9XXXX Q109X X. North balances with 2NT which ends the auction. What ensues is pathetically hilarious This is not a trick hand. What would you normally lead? The graveside ceremony will be featured tomorrow.
Can’t wait. A normal (if there is one in our game) person would tend to adhere to the theory — if they’re good enuf to bid, they’re good enuf to lead — or is that an old wives tale? The most bizarre thrust would be my singleton club — but that’s too weird for even me. A heart seems reasonable — but what do I know?
I’m too set in my ways to consider anything but a heart, but obviously your adventuresome East came up with something more radical.
Hi, Lead the obvious thing, a Diamond. Surely partner quivered a bit, or asked about what 1D shows. These are automatic lead indicators at the table.
And I agree, if it was a Diamond lead after some questioning or other fun stuff, that is getting too out of hand today.
I agree lots of people try to help their partner with banter at the table — but on this particular hand — silence reigned. NO CONVERSATION!
i think the stiff club is obvious lol
Hey, Tom (ala Dick Tracy) — exactly where were you Friday afternoon? lol to you too.